Planning For Departure

If you are planning to attend Missouri S&T for one semester, your DS-2019 will list an end date of December 31. If you are planning to attend Missouri S&T for one year, your end date will be May 31. Final exams usually end in mid-December in the Fall or mid-May in the Spring. For specific dates, please refer to the S&T Academic Calendar. If you plan to stay after final exams have ended, please contact Residential Life to confirm that housing will be available or make other arrangements for housing. Please note, that there will be an additional cost for housing after final exams have ended.

Important: Please remember that you must depart the U.S. no later than 30 days after the end date listed on your DS-2019.

Official Transcript - At the end of the semester, we will provide you with a form which would allow the Study Abroad Coordinator to request an official transcript for you. Those exchange students who sign the required form will be provided one official transcript which will be sent to the student’s home university. Additional transcripts may be requested by the student through the student system, Joe’SS, for a cost of $15 each.